TONIGHT AT 7 PM! HEARTPOUNDERS: HALLOWEEN HORROR FOR ADULTS online concert with Master Storyteller Odds Bodkin!

TONIGHT AT 7 PM! HEARTPOUNDERS: HALLOWEEN HORROR FOR ADULTS online concert with Master Storyteller Odds Bodkin!

Join the crowd on Zoom tonight for an up-close evening of horror tales performed live by Odds Bodkin. With his two thundering 12-string guitars and his mellifluous Celtic harp providing background music, Odds will do his best to give you the willies.


The Storm Breeder, a New England legend of the undead, and how a living man’s assumptions about life and death are shattered.

The Demon Heads, a samurai tale of the dark forest, and how nightfall brings out supernatural creatures that will suck out your soul in a second.

The Girl Who Danced with the Devil, a French Canadian tale of a beautiful young woman’s love of dancing, until, on the eve of Lent, she dances past midnight and into the arms of evil.

After the show on full screen, Odds will stay online in group chat to answer your questions about his art of storytelling.

A $25 ticket buys your url and password.

7:00 pm – 8:30 pm EST on Zoom

“a consummate storyteller”—The New York Times

90 Minutes of Horror Tales with Live Acoustic Music from Odds Bodkin

Enjoy 90 minutes of Horror Tales with Live Acoustic Music from Master Storyteller Odds Bodkin this coming Friday, Oct. 29th at 7 pm EST. A Zoom performance.

Two 12-string guitars and a Celtic harp; those are Bodkin’s tools of the trade for HEARTPOUNDERS: Halloween Horror Tales.

A New England ghost legend. A Samurai tale of demons. A French Canadian tale of a girl and the devil. These tales are told with sound effects and vivid characters. Recommended for 12 and up. Don’t miss it!

HEARTPOUNDERS: Halloween  Tales of Horror

Friday Oct. 29th, 2021 at 7 pm EST

Zoom Tickets: $25 per screen

Buy yours now and get a viewing party together! 90 minutes of horror tales.