MID-WINTER MIRACLES Show in MA this December 1st at The Burren Backrooom

I originally found it in a big red book I’d had since I was a child. In it, a dead cherry tree springs to green life in midwinter and produces miraculous cherries, a precious gift for the king indeed. But when an old knight tries to deliver them, there’s a knave at every doorway in the castle.

Turns out THE WINTER CHERRIES is among my listeners’ favorites. Softer-hearted folk cry at the end. I don’t blame them, really. Sometimes I do, too.

I’ll be telling THE WINTER CHERRIES along with other Holiday tales only once in Massachusetts this December as part of MID-WINTER MIRACLES.


The show is 3 pm on Dec. 1 at The Burren Backroom in Somerville, MA. Tickets are on sale now. Get yours for this fun family performance.