A Unique Hanukkah Gift

Laden with cheeses and bread, young David turns from his father, thinking to himself, “Sometimes I wonder why he doesn’t go introduce himself to the king with a pile of gifts! All King Saul wants me to do is play my harp for him.” Little does David know that the sling he’s used to kill lions will soon hurl him into battle with the Philistine giant, Goliath, and into Jewish and Biblical history.

Detroit Jewish News writes, “With nothing more than his guitar and voice, Odds Bodkin manages to paint a scene more captivating than much of what you see on the big screen.”

This sweeping version David and Goliath, although ancient in origin, echoes modern times. It makes a great gift for Hanukkah or Christmas. Great for older kids, teens and adults.

WINNER: Parents’ Choice Gold Award, Storytelling World Award, Dove Foundation Award

A 60 minute epic mp3 download.

Get it here for only $14.95.

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