NOW IN STOCK: Odds Bodkin Story Drives. You can always download Odds Bodkin’s classic tales with original music from Odds’ Shop and get them instantly, or you can order a Story Drive to share with friends and family.
Click images for story details!
NOW IN STOCK: Odds Bodkin Story Drives. You can always download Odds Bodkin’s classic tales with original music from Odds’ Shop and get them instantly, or you can order a Story Drive to share with friends and family.
Click images for story details!
When families unite for the Holidays, many turn on their sound systems and sit down together to experience Odds Bodkin’s Christmas and Hanukah stories collection, The Winter Cherries. It’s just under an hour of listening that brings home the ancient meaning of midwinter celebrations and the goodness of giving.
Start your own Holiday tradition with those you love by discovering this classic mp3 storytelling audio with music. Listen to samples of it and other Odds Bodkin tales, like David and Goliath, at Odds Bodkin’s download shop.
Happy Holidays!
The Little Proto Trilogy is 3 hours and 20 minutes of dinosaur adventures with Little Proto, a character young kids love to imagine. Along with a wise old Triceratops, a retired but still bombastic T-Rex and other dino friends, Proto goes on wild, yet child-safe adventures. Good for ages four and up, these stories talk about friendship and family. Each features songs, too, a full score on 12-string guitar and amazing dino sounds, all created live in the studio by Odds Bodkin. Great for car trips.
The Adventures of Little Proto, Little Proto’s T-Rex Adventure and Little Proto and the Volcano’s Fire––regular download price $24.95. On sale this week for $12.95.
Not available as CDs.