For Father’s Day: Odds Bodkin’s $174.95 MASTER DRIVE on sale for $99!

For Father’s Day: Odds Bodkin’s $174.95 MASTER DRIVE on sale for $99!

For you dads out there, a one-day-only sale of Odds Bodkin’s complete works.

25 hours of storytelling for all ages. Original music. Plus Odds’ 555-page epic work of high fantasy in verse, The Water Mage’s Daughter.




“After sending the email, I wished I had written more. My daughter and I still listen to Little Proto 8 years later ( she’s 18 and I am 61!). We are both thrilled to have more works to surprise and inspire us cross-country…I have tried listening to other books on tape and find my mind wandering after 5 minutes. On the other hand, I am mesmerized by every word and sound on your recordings. I think seeing you perform in person helped fuel our admiration.”

—An Odds Bodkin Listener

Become your own Master of Family Stories! One Master Drive allows you to load any of Odds Bodkin’s storytelling albums onto your children’s media players, or into your car system. All age-coded for appropriate listening, ages four to adult. Includes great tales for teens!

National award-winning storytelling. Learn more here.

MOTHER’S DAY SALE! Odds Bodkin’s Master Drive $269.95 now $99 Today Only!

MOTHER’S DAY SALE! Odds Bodkin’s Master Drive $269.95 now $99 Today Only!

Since every mother should have one for herself and her kids, we’ve slashed our price for this special day. Happy Mother’s Day to all!

VIKING MYTHS IN COLORADO: Odds Bodkin at Sunrise Ranch

VIKING MYTHS IN COLORADO: Odds Bodkin at Sunrise Ranch

“Modern-day Orpheus” (Billboard Magazine) Odds Bodkin will perform an adult show of Viking myths and lore Saturday May 26th at 7 pm at Sunrise Ranch in Loveland, Colorado. Voices for Thor, Odin, Loki and various Frost Giants, along with symphonic 12-string guitar scores and ancient lore told with Celtic harp make this show a rare evening of hilarious and elemental entertainment. You don’t need to be a fan of storytelling to love this one-man theater experience.

Tickets are $15.

Let all your friends know!



If you’ve ever wanted to speak in front of people in a confident way, without using notes, Odds Bodkin’s upcoming storytelling weekend course in Loveland, Colorado this May is for you. As a storyteller who performs tales that can be hours long (and audiences listen!) he knows a few secrets about how to do it. Billboard Magazine calls him “a modern-day Orpheus” and his two-day course at Sunrise Ranch is fun, very entertaining and packed with real skills. Take those skills out into your life by learning the storyteller’s craft and watch your confidence soar.

And along the way, you’ll learn some fascinating lore about trees.





Odds Bodkin’s Complete Works: Audios, Epic E-Book, Video and Pure Music

Odds Bodkin’s Complete Works: Audios, Epic E-Book, Video and Pure Music

They all come on the MASTER DRIVE, a small electronic gem loaded with magic. An epic poem e-book as long as Homer’s Odyssey, adults only. Symphonic and acoustic musical compositions. A video of The Iliad: Book I. And, of course, this master storyteller’s complete audio collection of spoken-word family tales with music for ages 4 to forever.

A $269 value for $175.

Explore it here at Odds Bodkin’s Shop.



Oddly enough, as well as for Jesus Christ on the holy day of Easter, there’s a much lesser known resurrection account for Odin, the Allfather god of the Vikings. This coming Easter Sunday I’ll be explaining it while playing my Celtic harp as part of ODIN AND THOR BATTLE THE FROST GIANTS, an evening of adult storytelling at the Riverwalk Cafe and Music Bar in Nashua, NH.

Harping, lore and two vivid long tales accompanied with 12-string guitar.

The show starts at 7 pm. Hope to see you there!

Tickets are $10, $13 at the door.





At the end of a string of failures, Thor’s last chance to prove his strength is by lifting a kitty cat’s paw. Groaning and huffing, he tries, but it barely rises before it slams back to the floor. As the Frost Giants roar with laughter, the god of thunder looks over at Loki, who has lost an eating contest earlier, and is embarrassed, too.

Little do they know they’re both victims of illusory magic, and they are competing against impossible odds, even for Aesir.

At the tale’s surprise ending, the truth emerges. Thor takes solace in his father Odin’s words, which I’ve drawn from the Viking book of etiquette, Hávamál:

When some thane would harm me
in runes on a moist tree’s root,
on his head alone shall light the ills
of the curse that he called upon mine.

Catch the beginning, middle and end of this full-length tale, plus a myth of seduction and vengeance on Sunday, April 1 2018 at 7 p.m. at the Riverwalk Music Bar in Nashua, NH and again on May 26, 2018 at Sunrise Ranch in Loveland, Colorado.

I’ll also include little-known lore while playing my Celtic harp. Lots of amusing character voices animate the tales. Hope to see you there!

PS: by the way, under the giant’s spell, Thor thought he was lifting a kitty cat. Turns out it was the Great Serpent of Midgard, the heaviest thing on earth.

THE WINTER CHERRIES: Tales for the Holidays at Tillotson Center, Colebrook NH at 2 pm on Nov. 26th

Odds Bodkin will perform THE WINTER CHERRIES: Tales for the Holidays on Sunday, November 26th at 2 p.m. at the Tillotson Center in Colebrook, New Hampshire.  Free to the public, the storytelling concert features Bodkin’s most beloved tales for the Holiday Season.

Fun for the entire family.  Music on Celtic harp and 12-string guitars.

Or you can buy the album here!

Happy Holidays!

A Stolen Ring and an Unwanted Kiss

An unsophisticated youth out in the world for the first time, Percival comes upon a young woman in a knight’s pavilion. His mother’s words come into the country boy’s mind, “If a lady gives you a kiss, ‘tis a great honor. If she gives you a ring, ‘tis a double honor.”

Stupidly, he forces her to kiss him and pulls off her wedding ring, thinking he’s now been honored. Instead, he’s ruined her life, although he does not know it. Not until much later in the epic, when he meets her again with her angry husband (he thinks she’s been unfaithful), does Percival return the ring and confess what he’s done.

If modern boys do not know how to treat women with courtesy, perhaps they haven’t yet heard The Hidden Grail: Sir Percival and the Fisher King, Odds Bodkin’s 90-minute Arthurian tale about chivalry.

Billboard writes “one of the best spoken-word stories we’ve ever heard.” The reviewers were a mother/daughter team.

Get it here or as part of the $99 download special at Odds Bodkin’s Shop.



If “Imagination is more important than knowledge” as Einstein said, then pulling children from screens and urging them to use this natural human gift is a key parenting tool these days. Spoken word storytelling, especially with live music, hyper-stimulates kids’ minds, urging them to imagine. This builds neural networks that mature into creativity as they grow up.

With all that said, these are fun stories, too. Spooky, but child-manageable. The Banshee Train, The Girl Who Danced with the Devil and The Little Shepherd are the stories in this one-hour show. Music on 6-string guitar, 12-string and Celtic harp add to the enchantment.

This coming Saturday, October 28th at 3 p.m. I’ll be performing Fun Spooky Tales for Young Families. The show is sponsored by Schoodacs of Warner. Grab a great coffee or tea there and then step next door to the Town Hall!

Tickets are $10. Hope to see you there!