TONIGHT AT 7 PM! HEARTPOUNDERS: HALLOWEEN HORROR FOR ADULTS online concert with Master Storyteller Odds Bodkin!

TONIGHT AT 7 PM! HEARTPOUNDERS: HALLOWEEN HORROR FOR ADULTS online concert with Master Storyteller Odds Bodkin!

Join the crowd on Zoom tonight for an up-close evening of horror tales performed live by Odds Bodkin. With his two thundering 12-string guitars and his mellifluous Celtic harp providing background music, Odds will do his best to give you the willies.


The Storm Breeder, a New England legend of the undead, and how a living man’s assumptions about life and death are shattered.

The Demon Heads, a samurai tale of the dark forest, and how nightfall brings out supernatural creatures that will suck out your soul in a second.

The Girl Who Danced with the Devil, a French Canadian tale of a beautiful young woman’s love of dancing, until, on the eve of Lent, she dances past midnight and into the arms of evil.

After the show on full screen, Odds will stay online in group chat to answer your questions about his art of storytelling.

A $25 ticket buys your url and password.

7:00 pm – 8:30 pm EST on Zoom

“a consummate storyteller”—The New York Times

THE WIND AND THE SUN: A Free Story for Young Kids with Odds Bodkin

THE WIND AND THE SUN: A Free Story for Young Kids with Odds Bodkin

As I explain to children, a fable is a very short story that weighs a lot. Here’s THE WIND AND THE SUN, one of my favorite Aesop’s fables. This version was captured over Zoom last month before an audience of PreK-1st Graders. As you’ll see, I speak more slowly than usual.

To learn more, visit:

Story Time with Odds Bodkin on Facebook Live for Wednesday, April 1st: The Elf of Springtime

Each day this week Master Storyteller and Musician Odds Bodkin will tell a different music-filled story from his collection of tales for children.

The performances are at 12 noon Eastern Standard Time.

If you’re a mom or dad with kids at home during this scary time and you need a break, then sit the kids down for a half hour of fun characters, amazing sound effects and a live score Celtic harp.

On Wednesday April 1st at 12 noon EST, he’ll perform The Elf of Springtime, a heartwarming Swedish folktale told with Celtic harp.

Follow Odds Bodkin at

and join him on April 1st at 12 noon EST for this live show!

Please share with friends and family!


TONIGHT: Dark Tales of the Supernatural at Grendel’s Den

“a consummate storyteller”–The New York Times

Join Odds Bodkin tonight at 5 p.m. at Grendel’s Den in Cambridge, MA for a full evening of adult horror tales. Music on Celtic harp, 12-string guitars, 6-string guitar and alto recorder.

No culture exists without supernatural tales, and these come from all over the world, including Colonial New England, Colorado, Russia, China and elsewhere.

Tickets: $15



‘Tis the season for horror, just about everywhere. But you can refresh yourself with some fictional creepiness, replete with live music, with Odds Bodkin and his evening of tales, Heartpounders: Halloween Tales of Horror. A New England man chased by storms. Boys who turn to panthers. A Rocky Mountain ghost train nightmare. A tale from the angry serfs of Russia. And others. All with driving music.

Tickets are $15. Buy dinner and drinks at settle in for a fun evening!

A live recording event.

BENEATH A WAXING MOON: Outdoors for Scary Stories

My guitars are ready. The stage is being prepared. Even the moon is waxing Friday, Oct. 19th at 8 p.m. at the Sweet Beet in Bradford, NH. It will be poking through the clouds in classic New England Halloween fashion. The weather looks good, too. Mid-forties. No rain.

Here’s a video preview created by Hanna Koby. Scary stories for adults. No kids, please.

Hope to see you there! If you know any NH or MASS folks, please spread the word!

TICKETS $13 in advance, $15 at the cemetery gate.


Classic Odds Bodkin Storytelling Collections on Flash Drives

Good things come in small packages, and here’s one that can spark  young imaginations for a lifetime.

Visit Odds Bodkin’s Shop Today


FALL OF THE TITANS/Adult Storytelling in Nashua NH on Sept. 23rd

FALL OF THE TITANS/Adult Storytelling in Nashua NH on Sept. 23rd.

Cronus, her last born Titan, will do anything for power, and so when his mother Gaia asks him to castrate his father, he’s more than willing to do it, but only if he rules the cosmos in his father’s stead. Gaia is so deeply furious with her husband Ouranos that she urges Cronus on. After the deed is done, he hurls the family jewels into the sea, but they don’t sink. Instead, from the bloody package surges a pink froth that shoves a giant seashell up into the waves. When it comes to shore and opens, out steps a tiny, unbelievably beautiful little thing. Aphrodite, Goddess of Love, the first of the Olympians. The eldest of them all.

The Titans have no idea what she is.

That’s a mistake.

And so their fall from power begins.

Fall of the Titans

An adult evening event with storyteller and musician Odds Bodkin. A full score on 12-string guitar accompanies the tale.

Sunday, Sept. 23rd at 7 pm at the Riverwalk Café and Music Bar, Nashua NH.

Tickets $13

Something From Nothing

Most folks are familiar with the Biblical account from the Book of Genesis. How God, the Prime Mover, made the earth in six days and rested on the seventh. It’s a cultural touchstone in our part of the world. Modern science doesn’t support it, but as an early origin story, it’s quite elegant.

1:21  “And God created great whales, and every living creature that moveth, which the waters brought forth abundantly, after their kind, and every winged fowl after his kind: and God saw that it was good.”

While the ancient Hebrews were erecting monotheism in the Middle East, across the Mediterranean to the northwest, the Greeks were still polytheists; Zeus, Hera, Poseidon et. al. personified forces of nature, but with human foibles. Nevertheless, in the Greek origin story, a Prime Mover did start it all.

They called her Gaia, the Earth.

According to Hesiod, a contemporary of Homer, before Gaia’s appearance, all was absolute darkness. Absolute stillness. Absolute quiet. The Universe essentially did not exist. Only the nothingness the Greeks called Chaos existed, or didn’t, depending on how you look at it. Then Gaia appeared in the Chaos. No stars yet. No sun or moon. No mountains or seas, either. Just a featureless, lifeless globe spinning in total darkness.

If you’d like to hear how this innocent start to existence ended up torn apart by warring Titans and Olympians in a tale of betrayal, castration, hidden babies and super-weapons, get your tickets today for FALL OF THE TITANS. You’ll learn how the Gods of Olympus were born.

An adult storytelling with characters and music on Celtic harp and 12-string guitar.



Sunday, September 23rd 2018 at 7 pm

Riverwalk Café and Music Bar, Nashua NH


Downloadable Myths, Epics, Folktales and More…Starting at $.99

Downloadable Myths, Epics, Folktales and More…Starting at $.99

Original music

The Odyssey: An Epic Telling

The Wise Little Girl: Tales of the Feminine

Beowulf: The Only One

David and Goliath

Paul Bunyan Tall Tales

The Little Proto Dinosaur Trilogy

And many other unforgettable titles by Odds Bodkin. Use PayPal for instant downloads! Great for vacation listening!


11 pages of storytelling products



Smart parents across America are choosing Odds Bodkin’s Master Drive for inspiring vacation travel listening for their kids. The “consummate storyteller” (The New York Times) offers twenty-five hours of vivid tales from around the world, scored live with original acoustic music.

And it all comes on a flash drive. Plug it in and load age-coded folktales, fairy tales, myths and epic stories onto your kids’ devices. They’ll love it.

Check it out here!



Odysseus crouches with his men inside the Trojan Horse and listens. It is dawn, and Helios the sun has crested Troy’s walls. Peering out through the sunlit cracks, Odysseus’s lookout sees the gates of the city open. The Greek army has deserted the battlefield. All that remains is this gigantic horse built of wood.

So begins The Odyssey: An Epic Telling, a 4-hour masterpiece of storytelling by Odds Bodkin. With strains of 12-string guitar and the cries of seabirds, he’ll draw you into this feature film for the mind’s eye.

Even if they’re hungry, your kids won’t want to get out of the car until each episode concludes. There are 42 episodes in all. By the end, your kids will have effortlessly learned Homer’s great story, made human and vivid in this storyteller’s unique way.

The Odyssey: An Epic Telling is a download at Odds Bodkin’s shop. Free listening samples.
