9 Full-Length Storytelling Albums for Kids 4-7 on a Single Flash Drive!

Order your Beginner Drive today!

What’s on it? 9 Full-Length Storytelling Albums!


The Adventures of Little Proto: A Musical Dinosaur Story

Little Proto’s T-Rex Adventure: A Musical Dinosaur Story

Little Proto and the Volcano’s Fire: A Musical Dinosaur Story

The Teacup Fairy: Very Old Tales for Very Young Children

The Evergreens: Gentle Tales of Nature

With Twinkle in your Eye: Funny Folktales from Everywhere

Rip Roarin’ Paul Bunyan Tales

The Winter Cherries: Holiday Tales from Around the World

The Blossom Tree: Tales from the Far East


9 Full-Length Storytelling Albums by Odds Bodkin on a Flash Drive


The New York Times calls Odds Bodkin “a consummate storyteller.” Now you can introduce your young child to this master talesman’s award-winning classic albums of gentle nature tales, Little Proto musical dinosaur adventures, American tall tales, rollicking fairy tales and Far East wisdom stories. Perfect for ages 4-7.

Live music on 12-string guitars, Celtic harp, alto recorder, piano and other instruments flavors each audio tale, adding to his fun voices and natural vocal sound effects. Enrich your child’s imagination and character with these award-winning audios. Listen together, talk about them and grow your child’s mind. You’ll enjoy them, too!


The Adventures of Little Proto: A Musical Dinosaur Story

Little Proto’s T-Rex Adventure: A Musical Dinosaur Story

Little Proto and the Volcano’s Fire: A Musical Dinosaur Story

The Teacup Fairy: Very Old Tales for Very Young Children

The Evergreens: Gentle Tales of Nature

With Twinkle in your Eye: Funny Folktales from Everywhere

Rip Roarin’ Paul Bunyan Tales

The Winter Cherries: Holiday Tales from Around the World

The Blossom Tree: Tales from the Far East


All albums in mp3 format. All with original cover art.


A FLASH DRIVE FULL OF STORIES (for every age kid and adult!)

A FLASH DRIVE FULL OF STORIES (for every age kid and adult!)

When you listen to Odds Bodkin stories, the miles (and hours) melt away.