TONIGHT AT 7 PM! HEARTPOUNDERS: HALLOWEEN HORROR FOR ADULTS online concert with Master Storyteller Odds Bodkin!

TONIGHT AT 7 PM! HEARTPOUNDERS: HALLOWEEN HORROR FOR ADULTS online concert with Master Storyteller Odds Bodkin!

Join the crowd on Zoom tonight for an up-close evening of horror tales performed live by Odds Bodkin. With his two thundering 12-string guitars and his mellifluous Celtic harp providing background music, Odds will do his best to give you the willies.


The Storm Breeder, a New England legend of the undead, and how a living man’s assumptions about life and death are shattered.

The Demon Heads, a samurai tale of the dark forest, and how nightfall brings out supernatural creatures that will suck out your soul in a second.

The Girl Who Danced with the Devil, a French Canadian tale of a beautiful young woman’s love of dancing, until, on the eve of Lent, she dances past midnight and into the arms of evil.

After the show on full screen, Odds will stay online in group chat to answer your questions about his art of storytelling.

A $25 ticket buys your url and password.

7:00 pm – 8:30 pm EST on Zoom

“a consummate storyteller”—The New York Times

Grab Your Tickets for Odds Bodkin’s HEARTPOUNDERS Show on Zoom this Friday Night!

Grab your tickets for Odds Bodkin’s HEARTPOUNDERS show on Zoom this Friday night and enjoy some adult storytelling! It’s live. It’s musical. It’s terrifying.

What are the stories?


If you curse Nature, it curses you in return. Peter Rugg of Boston learns this immutable fact when he offends Nature. Now thunderstorms chase him. Is he alive or dead? And why has no one seen his ravaged face in fifty years, even though people see him often on old New England’s stormy roads? Only innocent Jonathan Dunwell, after chasing the Storm Breeder, sees the horrific face. Forever, his soul and body are scarred.


After escaping a terrible massacre, a samurai buries his weapons forever and becomes an itinerant priest. His prayers are his only power. Yet in a battle with forest demons, he needs his old warrior skills. Whether he survives or not, after you hear the end of the story, is a matter of opinion.


Pierre sees the hooves of the stranger’s horse sunk into the melted snow, steam pouring up its shanks. Who is this handsome dancer who owns this horse and who is waltzing in the barn with Rose, Pierre’s fiancée? Even now, she’s fighting for her life as the stranger’s claws, hidden in his gloves, tighten around her.

Master Storyteller, Author and Musician Odds Bodkin invites you to enjoy these three supernatural tales with him as he tells them live with character voices, realistic vocal effects and full scores on 12-string guitars and Celtic harp.

Grab your tickets for tomorrow night’s show!


HEARTPOUNDERS: Halloween Tales of Horror

A Storytelling Event Live on Zoom

Friday Oct. 29, 2021 at 7 pm EST

Tickets: $25



I stopped performing Sedna the Ocean Mother because it’s just too unsettling, especially in the #MeToo era. Still, I’m going to do it. I haven’t told The Phantom Train of Marshall’s Pass in years because the flat picking on 6-string guitar is so fast. Still, I’m going to do it. I haven’t told The Infallible Doctor since I made the mistake of doing so in New Jersey shortly after 9/11 for schoolkids who, I only learned afterwards, had lost loved ones in the Twin Towers. Despite that bad memory, I’m going to do it. And I’ve never told The Demon Heads ever, so I’m going to debut it and see what people think.

Music on Celtic harp, 12-string guitar and 6-string guitar.

October 19th, 2018 at 8 pm, outdoors at the coolest new food and culture hub in New England, the Sweet Beet Market in Bradford, New Hampshire.

Hot chili, freshly baked breads, mulled cider and lots of organics to buy. Bring a blanket or chair, hat and gloves for this outdoor show by the cemetery.


Tickets $13 in advance, $15 at the door.


BACK TO THE CEMETERY: Heartpounders Horror Tales on Friday the 13th

Is it an old haunted inn? It looks that way. Abandoned for years, it sat overgrown and neglected, a hulking eyesore on Main Street in Bradford, New Hampshire, my town. Weeds grew. The old sign faded. I drove by it every day.

But then a group of young people in town had a dream. Now its ground floor is a thriving locavore food heaven, filled with organic produce and meats, ice creams and locally-made specialty items.

Today when I drive by it’s the Sweet Beet Market, and even bigger dreams surround it. A bakery. A new arts venue. A commercial kitchen for food artisans. On weekends, the parking lot is filled with cars. Folks eat freshly made breakfasts, cooked up on the wraparound veranda as families sit at picnic tables. At this time of year, artfully piled pumpkins have turned the place orange. The old inn has come alive.

To help with this Kearsarge Food Hub project, I’m donating the scariest show in my repertory this coming Friday the 13th at 8 pm, an outdoor event with jack-o-lanterns glowing, under the big tent. HEARTPOUNDERS: Halloween Tales of Horror is an adult evening of stories. No kids, please. Mini-horror movies for the mind’s eye, these tales have entertained audiences from Lincoln Center in New York to the National Storytelling Festival. Each with driving music on 12-string guitars, Celtic harp, and other instruments, plus lots of creepy character voices and sounds, they’re unnerving and fun. The show is two hours.

Hot cider. Good hot food. On a cool October evening beneath the waning moon, these stories will come to life, or horrible death (agh!!!) depending on how you like it.

If you know folks in New Hampshire, please let them know. Nothing like this anywhere else in the Granite State.

Tickets are $10, $12 at the door.

Check it out on Facebook.