Story Time with Odds Bodkin on Facebook Live Tomorrow at Noon

Each day this week at 12 noon Eastern Standard Time, Master Storyteller and Musician Odds Bodkin will tell a different music-filled story from his collection of tales for young children.

If you’re a mom or dad with kids at home during this scary time and you need a break, then sit the kids down for a half hour of wild characters, amazing sound effects and a live score on 12-string guitar.

Tomorrow, Monday March 30th , at 12 noon EST, he’ll perform The Little Shepherd, a completely absorbing Italian Fairy Tale.

Follow Odds Bodkin on Facebook.

That’s tomorrow, Monday March 30th at 12 noon EST.

Please share with friends and family!

TWO EVIL DWARVES: They Who Kill for the Blood of Wisdom/Viking Myths at Grendel’s Den with Odds Bodkin


“Yes, Galar.”

“I miss the mead. I miss those sips. I didn’t understand what happened to me when I drank it, Fjalar.”

“I did. Wisdom happened to you, Galar. That’s why you didn’t unders…”

Suddenly their heavy oaken door blew in and landed flat on the floor. There stood an old man in a grey robe and wide hat, his one-eyed, scarred face half-obscured in the swirling stone dust. He carried a gnarled staff in his left hand.

“Dwarves…” said the stranger, who, although they did not know it, was Odin, who was about to kill them. He’d finally found the murderers of his best friend. “Welcome…”

A mortal fear swept the two dwarf brothers of Nidavellir.



THE MEAD OF POETRY is the second story in ODIN AND THOR BATTLE THE FROST GIANTS, an adult storytelling with music at Grendel’s Den in Cambridge, MA this coming Sunday, March 8th at 5:30 p.m.

Eat Viking food, drink mead, and then settle in for an evening of adult storytelling.

“a consummate storyteller” — The New York Times

“a preternatural ability to create characters with an array of simply inspired voices.”—digboston 2020




SUNDAY, MARCH 8, 2020 AT 5:30 PM









THE ODYSSEY this Saturday Night/Odds Bodkin

THE ODYSSEY: A Storytelling Evening with Odds Bodkin. Show starts at 8 pm at the Riverwalk Music Bar in Nashua, NH. Older kids and teens welcome. Enjoy an immersion into Greek mythology you’ll never forget!

TICKETS are $13 in advance, $15 at the door.

A WEEK FROM TODAY: Odds Bodkin performs The Odyssey in NH

Grab your tickets today to see Odds Bodkin perform his epic version of Homer’s THE ODYSSEY next Saturday night, July 27th, in Nashua, NH. The show starts at 8 pm at the Riverwalk Music Bar. Tickets are $13 in advance, $15 at the door.


Why Bar Hop When You Can Island Hop?

It’s Saturday night in New Hampshire and instead of bar hopping, why not island hop with Odysseus of Ithaca in 1300 B.C.? Unlike him, you can settle in comfortably and order drinks and a dinner as I regale you with his namesake story, the Odyssey. The Island of the Lotus Eaters is where fentanyl-like flowers grow; Odysseus and his men are lucky to escape alive, which can’t be said for their visit to the Island of the Cyclops. Other islands come: the Island of the Cannibals where most of his fleet is destroyed; Aeolia, the Island of the King of the Winds who puts all the storms into an ill-fated bag which, of course, doesn’t stay closed; on and on. Island after island. Adventure after adventure.

I’ve been telling this tale with 12-string guitar and harp for decades and will be doing a fairly long version of it (not the complete 4 hours, though) at the Riverwalk Music Bar on July 27, 2019 at 8 pm.

This is a full evening’s entertainment.

Tickets are $13 in advance, $15 at the door. It’s appropriate for kids over the age of nine, too.

I hope to see you there!


The Odyssey with Odds Bodkin

Saturday July 27th 2019 at 8 pm

The Riverwalk Music Bar, Nashua NH


An ODYSSEY in Summer/Adult Epic Storytelling in NH July 27th with Odds Bodkin

The Riverwalk Music Bar is a hip place to perform. Usually the venue hosts bands and young singer-songwriters, but a few times each year I arrive in my ancient hoariness with an epic for adults.

If you count them, there are 37 character voices in my telling of Homer’s The Odyssey:  Odysseus himself, his crew, the Cyclops, cannibals, Circe, Lotus Eaters, on and on. It’s Greek mythology told in modern English with a score on 12-string guitar and Celtic harp, peppered throughout with vocal effects like wind and seabirds. Of all the epics I tell, I’ve been telling this one the longest.

The show starts at 8 pm. So grab a delicious dinner, order from the bar and settle in for some imaginative, out-of-body storytelling.

Tickets are $13 in advance, $15 at the door.

FABLE, FAIRY TALE, MYTH: A Family Concert at the Gazebo

This coming Wednesday evening at 6 pm in Candia, New Hampshire I’ll be telling The Boys and the Frogs, an Aesop’s fable on Celtic harp, The Little Shepherd, an Italian fairy tale on 12-string guitar, and Finn MacCool and the Big Man, a myth of sorts (it’s funny) on a second 12-string guitar.

A fun show for the entire family at Smyth Public Library.


Bring blankets or folding chairs and I’ll see you there!


SALE ENDS TOMORROW! Odds Bodkin Story Drives

40% Off on Odds Bodkin’s story drives ends tomorrow, December 10th. Check them out. Instant downloads of individual titles always available, too!

Explore a world of myths, folktales, legends and original stories, told with live music, here.

TONIGHT: Dark Tales of the Supernatural at Grendel’s Den

“a consummate storyteller”–The New York Times

Join Odds Bodkin tonight at 5 p.m. at Grendel’s Den in Cambridge, MA for a full evening of adult horror tales. Music on Celtic harp, 12-string guitars, 6-string guitar and alto recorder.

No culture exists without supernatural tales, and these come from all over the world, including Colonial New England, Colorado, Russia, China and elsewhere.

Tickets: $15


BENEATH A WAXING MOON: Outdoors for Scary Stories

My guitars are ready. The stage is being prepared. Even the moon is waxing Friday, Oct. 19th at 8 p.m. at the Sweet Beet in Bradford, NH. It will be poking through the clouds in classic New England Halloween fashion. The weather looks good, too. Mid-forties. No rain.

Here’s a video preview created by Hanna Koby. Scary stories for adults. No kids, please.

Hope to see you there! If you know any NH or MASS folks, please spread the word!

TICKETS $13 in advance, $15 at the cemetery gate.


Classic Odds Bodkin Storytelling Collections on Flash Drives

Good things come in small packages, and here’s one that can spark  young imaginations for a lifetime.

Visit Odds Bodkin’s Shop Today


Beginning of the World: The Ancient Greek Version–Tomorrow Night!

Beginning of the World: The Ancient Greek Version–Tomorrow Night!

Master Storyteller and Musician Odds Bodkin performs FALL OF THE TITANS tomorrow night, Sunday Sept. 23, 2018, at the Riverwalk Cafe and Music Bar in Nashua, NH. Showtime: 7 p.m. Ancient cosmological lore and Gaia Theory explored on Celtic harp with commentary, and then an epic tale for adults with a full score on 12-string guitar.

An evening’s spoken-word immersion into how Zeus, Hera, Aphrodite, Hades and the Gods of Olympus came to be, and how they deceived their parents–the Titans–and took over the world.

Tickets: $13