The Iliad: Book One (Video)


What is The Iliad? It’s the oldest, most visceral war story ever told. Dating from 700 B.C., along with The Odyssey, it’s the work of the performing poet Homer, who interwove his day’s religious stories with legends about the Trojan War, one that had happened five hundred years before he himself lived. On this mp4 video in mobile quality, you can watch Odds Bodkin perform his storyteller’s version of Book I of The Iliad, with character voices, sound effects and 12-string guitar, live onstage. Parts I, II, III & IV: 45 minutes total viewing time.

Great for high school, college and adult viewers interested in the storyteller’s art, this compelling video introduces Homer’s story of jealousy and war in an understandable way. Contains adult themes. Not recommended for children.


Themes of sexual slavery, supernatural politics and the glory of a proud death flow like subterranean rivers beneath Homer’s great war story from the Bronze Age. To explain how the Trojan War begins among gods and men, Odds includes the humorous Judgment of Paris before opening The Iliad itself on the beaches of Troy. No poetry here, just modern English with music, narration and character voices for Zeus, Hera, Athena, Aphrodite, Khryses the Priest, Agamemnon, Achilles, Khalkas the Diviner, Paris Alexandros, Hephaestus, Thetis and others.

Laughter comes often in this performance captured live before a high school audience.

45 minutes

322 mb


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