Free Odds Bodkin Story: A T-Rex Adventure for Kids


Little Proto the Protoceratops knows his baby sister is on the way, and he feels left out by his parents. All they talk about is when she’ll hatch. And even though there’s a gigantic but convalescent T-Rex in the Sea Forest nearby, Proto isn’t worried about King Geoffrey the One Eye. After all, he’s helped to get the starving Rex some food. No, Proto is just feeling left out. Little does he know he’s about to be captured by a Pteranodon and flown far, far away.

Enjoy the opening 20 minutes of Odds Bodkin’s original musical story for kids, Little Proto’s T-Rex Adventure. 12-string guitar music, engaging character voices, vocal effects and clever dialog bring this dinosaur adventure to life.  The entire feature length tale is 70 minutes. It’s the second episode of The Little Proto Trilogy.

Winner of the Parents’ Choice Gold Award.




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