02-11-2018 @ 5pm
$15 table seating, $10 bar seating
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Odds Bodkin return to Grendel’s Den on Harvard Square to perform The Odyssey: Belly of the Beast, his renowned modern adaptation of Homer’s classic tale. With Greek myths backstory explained while he plays Celtic harp, Bodkin picks up his 12-string guitar and sudden wind and seabirds set the scene for the tale. Follow Odysseus of Ithaca and his men from inside the Trojan Horse all the way to their escape from the Cave of the Cyclops.
A college freshman who attended The Odyssey: Belly of the Beast in 2017 writes:
“I also wanted to talk about how fantastic the Odds Bodkin performance was! I didn’t know what to expect and I was completely blown away by the whole thing. The way he told the stories was so captivating! With all of the sounds he was able to make, the unique voices of each person, and intricate guitar playing…it was unbelievable. I was hanging on each and every word and if possible I would have stayed all night long. I can’t wait to go next year if he comes to Loyola again!!! With all of the sensory details he provided it really was as if I was there, during ancient times, transported to 700 B.C. in the “Belly of the Beast” so to speak. I absolutely loved his Polyphemus voice, the old man/priest in Apollo’s temple who gave Odysseus the brandy, the men who accompanied him during the travels, the people in the lotus flower scene within the ivy of the sickly-sweet perfumed island–everything! The way he created such a vivid scene made imagining a transcendent and effortless gift. While I don’t think I blinked for five minutes straight because I was in complete awe of his talent and skill, other times I would close my eyes for a brief moment to fully picture it.”