Good things come in small packages, and here’s one that can spark young imaginations for a lifetime.
Visit Odds Bodkin’s Shop Today
MOTHER’S DAY SALE! Odds Bodkin’s Master Drive $269.95 now $99 Today Only!
Since every mother should have one for herself and her kids, we’ve slashed our price for this special day. Happy Mother’s Day to all!
At Odds Bodkin HQ we received an order for a Master Drive, but then, very quickly, a follow-up email from the customer wondering why she couldn’t download her purchase. We wrote back explaining what a Master Drive was (a heavily loaded flash drive of Odds Bodkin’s collected works) and offered her a refund, but she wrote back:
Thank you so much for your prompt reply. I want all of his works so I will wait for the flash drive. DO NOT CHANGE ANYTHING!
I need it by May 15 at the VERY latest for a long road trip. I will pay more for expedited shipping to ensure it arrives on time if it is necessary. Please advise!!
Thank you and please relay the message about how excited we are to have his entertainment on our road trip. The Odyssey and Proto made our last road trip so much more enjoyable.
It will be so nice to have his whole collection. Thanks again and I look forward to hearing from you!!
Charlotte Pezzo
As you can imagine, when Odds saw this email he was delighted, and so he wrote to Charlotte personally to ask whether he could share her letter to let others know about the Master Drive. Charlotte wrote back.
Dear Mr. Bodkin,
I was so pleased to receive this email and find out that they did indeed share my excitement with you.
Yes- it is completely fine to quote me and to use my name. After sending the email, I wished I had written more. My daughter and I still listen to Little Proto 8 years later ( she’s 18 and I am 61!). We are both thrilled to have more works to surprise and inspire us cross-country.
I have tried listening to other books on tape and find my mind wandering after 5 minutes. On the other hand, I am mesmerized by every word and sound on your tapes. I think seeing you perform in person helped fuel our admiration.
Anyway, I now have a year old granddaughter that I can’t wait to share your stories with too.
Thanks again from a lifelong fan!! 🙂
Charlotte Pezzo
18 full-length storytelling albums on a single flash drive, age-coded for young children through adults, Odds Bodkin’s EPIC DRIVE puts the master storyteller’s tales in the palm of your hand. Plus, the EPIC DRIVE includes Odds’ newest creation, Beowulf the Only One, recorded live on Harvard Square before an adult audience (1 hr 20 minutes).
Just plug it in and load these mp3s onto your device. Share them with friends. Enjoy masterful voice characterizations, original music and Odds Bodkin’s uncanny vocal effects. You’ll hear classic myths, fairy tales and folktales, plus original stories brought to life by an artist the New York Times calls “a consummate storyteller” and Wired Magazine calls “one of the great voices in American storytelling.”
If you’re attending any of my live shows this weekend (The Odyssey at Lawrence Academy in Groton, MA this Friday night or Odin and Thor Battle the Frost Giants at Grendel’s Den in Cambridge, MA this Sunday night) I’ll have something completely new for sale. The Epic Drive. Something for every storytelling fan in your life, from age four to forever.
Hope to see you there!
Soon this product will be available at my online shop as well.
Lawrence Academy in Groton, MA presents The Odyssey: Belly of the Beast, Odds Bodkin’s telling of Homer’s classic this Friday, January 12th at 6:30 p.m. With his 12-string guitar and panoply of characters and sounds, Odds will take the stage to offer this evening of entertainment and education for students and faculty. Generously, Lawrence Academy is also inviting the public to attend, free of charge.
Laden with cheeses and bread, young David turns from his father, thinking to himself, “Sometimes I wonder why he doesn’t go introduce himself to the king with a pile of gifts! All King Saul wants me to do is play my harp for him.” Little does David know that the sling he’s used to kill lions will soon hurl him into battle with the Philistine giant, Goliath, and into Jewish and Biblical history.
Detroit Jewish News writes, “With nothing more than his guitar and voice, Odds Bodkin manages to paint a scene more captivating than much of what you see on the big screen.”
This sweeping version David and Goliath, although ancient in origin, echoes modern times. It makes a great gift for Hanukkah or Christmas. Great for older kids, teens and adults.
WINNER: Parents’ Choice Gold Award, Storytelling World Award, Dove Foundation Award
A 60 minute epic mp3 download.
Get it here for only $14.95.
Check out Odds Bodkin’s other tales at our download shop!
As Beowulf stands before him, King Hrothgar further describes the giant man-devouring beast that kills his people every night. Stunned, a thane whispers, “Beowulf. No blades? Then how…”
“Shhh,” Beowulf replies in low tones. “Fate often saves an undoomed man if his courage holds.”
Beowulf: The Only One is an hour and twenty minutes long. Unlike movies about Beowulf, this storyteller’s version honors the original classic tale. Shot through with surging 12-string guitar music mapped precisely onto the story’s battle action in real time, it’s Odds Bodkin’s latest spoken-word tale. The character voices created by this master storyteller bring you close to every hope and fear.
Experience it today. Grab the download here and enter the dark, windy world of the Vikings.
Or get it as part of the Mythic Adventure Collection of Odds Bodkin’s epics along with The Odyssey, The Myth of Hercules, David and Goliath, The Hidden Grail and Viking Myths. Save over $50 on hours of imagination entertainment for teens and adults.
Listening samples for every tale.
An unsophisticated youth out in the world for the first time, Percival comes upon a young woman in a knight’s pavilion. His mother’s words come into the country boy’s mind, “If a lady gives you a kiss, ‘tis a great honor. If she gives you a ring, ‘tis a double honor.”
Stupidly, he forces her to kiss him and pulls off her wedding ring, thinking he’s now been honored. Instead, he’s ruined her life, although he does not know it. Not until much later in the epic, when he meets her again with her angry husband (he thinks she’s been unfaithful), does Percival return the ring and confess what he’s done.
If modern boys do not know how to treat women with courtesy, perhaps they haven’t yet heard The Hidden Grail: Sir Percival and the Fisher King, Odds Bodkin’s 90-minute Arthurian tale about chivalry.
Billboard writes “one of the best spoken-word stories we’ve ever heard.” The reviewers were a mother/daughter team.
Get it here or as part of the $99 download special at Odds Bodkin’s Shop.
It’s four hours and ten minutes long and sticks with kids all their lives. I still perform it, although not in one sitting. It’s The Odyssey: An Epic Telling. No, it’s not Homer’s verse in ancient Greek or a scholarly translation to English, but as a Dartmouth classic professor once wrote, “it’s the closest thing we have to a genuine Homeric performance.”
The reason? Scholars think that Homer, the great Singer of Tales from 700 B.C., created character voices and played music as he performed. In my case, it’s a 12-string guitar and Celtic harp, not a lyre, but the effect is the same. An epic imaginative experience.
As I do each year, this past September I performed the story’s first scenes at Loyola University Maryland for the Classics and Honors students. Before I went onstage, two tall young guys passed me in the hall, not knowing who I was. One said to the other, “I hear this one is actually fun.”
Let’s hope, I thought, and twenty minutes later went out with my Taylor guitar and sat down before two hundred college students and faculty. Seventy-five minutes later I exited my quasi dream state and the show was over.
Upon my returned home, I received a forwarded message from Martha Taylor, Chair of Classics at Loyola. A freshman student had sent the following email.
“I also wanted to talk about how fantastic the Odds Bodkin performance was! I didn’t know what to expect and I was completely blown away by the whole thing. The way he told the stories was so captivating! With all of the sounds he was able to make, the unique voices of each person, and intricate guitar playing…it was unbelievable. I was hanging on each and every word and if possible I would have stayed all night long. I can’t wait to go next year if he comes to Loyola again!!! With all of the sensory details he provided it really was as if I was there, during ancient times, transported to 700 B.C. in the “Belly of the Beast” so to speak. I absolutely loved his Polyphemus voice, the old man/priest in Apollo’s temple who gave Odysseus the brandy, the men who accompanied him during the travels, the people in the lotus flower scene within the ivy of the sickly-sweet perfumed island–everything! The way he created such a vivid scene made imagining a transcendent and effortless gift. While I don’t think I blinked for five minutes straight because I was in complete awe of his talent and skill, other times I would close my eyes for a brief moment to fully picture it.”
I guess it was fun, I thought.
You can find the full-length recording of the tale here.
16 hours of audio stories for girls, for boys, even for parents. Odds Bodkin, master storyteller and musician weaves voices and music to spellbind kids. Healthy stories. Hidden lessons. Acoustic music. Artistic beauty.
10 albums plus 3 epic tales as BONUS GIFTS!
Listen to samples and explore!