What Can You Buy For An Entire Family?

What can you buy for an entire family? A gift that has intellectual and artistic gifts for your three-year-old all the way through your teens, and even for you adults?

Odds Bodkin’s MASTER DRIVE. It’s a 4-gig flash drive that contains the “consummate storyteller’s” (The New York Times) complete works, including his 550-page epic poem and original music. Every story is age-coded, so you’ll know which stories work for your kids. Over an almost 40-year career, this master storyteller has crafted a collection of audio tales which transport young listeners into their imaginations, and into mythic lore from around the world.

Buy it, plug it in to your USB port, and share the tales with your family. Send the mp3s to friends. If your computer has no USB capability, then download this bundle of tales. They’re the same stories.

Give the gift of imagination.

Odds Bodkin’s MASTER DRIVE. Or, for just for his award-winning audio tales, Odds Bodkin’s EPIC DRIVE.





45% Off Odds Bodkin Storytelling Drives Now through December 10!

Save today on the magical storytelling of Odds Bodkin, all on a flash drive. Voices. Original music. Amazing vocal effects. Classic tales. Award-winning titles.


The Beginner Drive $39.95

9 full-length storytelling albums for kids ages 4-7. Includes three movie-length Little Proto dinosaur adventures with songs. Explore here.


The Epic Drive $99.95

19 full-length storytelling albums for all ages. Includes The Odyssey, Beowulf Live, David and Goliath and many others. Explore here.

Special bonus: For Odyssey listeners, an autographed Odyssey Adventure Map with all 42 of Odysseus’s adventures across the Mediterranean world.


The Master Drive $149.95

Odds Bodkin’s Complete Works. 19 full-length storytelling albums for all ages plus 7 original music compositions and Odds’ 13,000-line epic high fantasy poem, The Water Mage’s Daughter. Explore here.

Special bonus: For Odyssey listeners, an autographed Odyssey Adventure Map with all 42 of Odysseus’s adventures across the Mediterranean world.

Odds Bodkin Gift Ideas: One Story Drive For Three Generations

“a one-man vocal universe”–TimeOut New York

“one of the great voices in American storytelling”–Wired

Hours of myths, legends, original tales, epics and music, all on a single flash drive.


Stories for young kids, older kids, teens, parents, even grandparents.

Odds Bodkin audio tales are award-winning classics that have won Parents’ Choice, Indie, Storytelling World and other national awards.

Get yours today!


Storyteller and Musician Odds Bodkin’s Holiday Download Sale!

“a consummate storyteller”––The New York Times

“a modern-day Orpheus”––Billboard


13 full-length storytelling mp3 albums ($173 value usually $99) now only $74.95! A Limited Holiday Offer! Save $98!

Take your family on a tour of Western Civilization’s finest myths and legends (and a few from Southwest Asia and the Far East) told with live acoustic music and character voices.

A digital gift that entertains listeners from ages four to forever.

Listen to samples at Odds Bodkin’s Shop. Purchase your favorites now, create an account and download any time!

AGES 3-6

The Evergreens: Gentle Tales of Nature

The Teacup Fairy: Very Old Tales for Very Young Children

The Little Proto Dinosaur Trilogy (3 hrs)

Rip Roarin’ Paul Bunyan Tales

With a Twinkle in Your Eye: Funny Folktales from Everywhere

Ages 7-9

The Winter Cherries: Holiday Tales of Giving

The Wise Little Girl: Tales for Strong, Smart Girls

The Blossom Tree: Tales from the Far East

Ages 10-Adult

The Hidden Grail: Sir Percival and the Fisher King

The Odyssey: An Epic Telling

David and Goliath: The Harper and the King

The Myth of Hercules

Giant’s Cauldron: Viking Myths of Adventure

Stories of Love

A Unique Hanukkah Gift

Laden with cheeses and bread, young David turns from his father, thinking to himself, “Sometimes I wonder why he doesn’t go introduce himself to the king with a pile of gifts! All King Saul wants me to do is play my harp for him.” Little does David know that the sling he’s used to kill lions will soon hurl him into battle with the Philistine giant, Goliath, and into Jewish and Biblical history.

Detroit Jewish News writes, “With nothing more than his guitar and voice, Odds Bodkin manages to paint a scene more captivating than much of what you see on the big screen.”

This sweeping version David and Goliath, although ancient in origin, echoes modern times. It makes a great gift for Hanukkah or Christmas. Great for older kids, teens and adults.

WINNER: Parents’ Choice Gold Award, Storytelling World Award, Dove Foundation Award

A 60 minute epic mp3 download.

Get it here for only $14.95.

Check out Odds Bodkin’s other tales at our download shop!