Simple, beautiful spoken-word stories from peoples around the world, all told with original, culturally flavored acoustic music.

Storyteller Odds Bodkin’s classic audio stories. A mentally healthy, simple gift for your kids so that they can understand the wisdom literature of other people.

Age coded for appropriate listening for ages 4 to forever.

THE EPIC DRIVE: 19 full-length storytelling albums.

Plug it in. Transfer files to music software. Start to listen.

“a consummate storyteller”—The New York Times

FREE ODDS BODKIN STORY: The Woman Who Fell from the Sky

Enjoy this free Odds Bodkin Story: The Woman Who Fell from the Sky.

Here’s an Algonquin origin myth about how the earth came to be. Told with voices, sound effects and original music on 12-string guitar, it’s a gentle nature tale, appropriate for even the youngest of listeners.

To learn more, visit Odds Bodkin’s Shop.


A free story from Odds Bodkin: The Wise Little Girl, a Russian folktale performed with characters and a score on 12-string guitar.




To learn more about Odds Bodkin stories, visit here.


Free Odds Bodkin Story: A T-Rex Adventure for Kids


Little Proto the Protoceratops knows his baby sister is on the way, and he feels left out by his parents. All they talk about is when she’ll hatch. And even though there’s a gigantic but convalescent T-Rex in the Sea Forest nearby, Proto isn’t worried about King Geoffrey the One Eye. After all, he’s helped to get the starving Rex some food. No, Proto is just feeling left out. Little does he know he’s about to be captured by a Pteranodon and flown far, far away.

Enjoy the opening 20 minutes of Odds Bodkin’s original musical story for kids, Little Proto’s T-Rex Adventure. 12-string guitar music, engaging character voices, vocal effects and clever dialog bring this dinosaur adventure to life.  The entire feature length tale is 70 minutes. It’s the second episode of The Little Proto Trilogy.

Winner of the Parents’ Choice Gold Award.




A Free Story from Odds Bodkin: THE EVERGREENS, A Danish Folktale About Kindness

A Free Story from Odds Bodkin: THE EVERGREENS, A Danish Folktale About Kindness. This story is 8 minutes long. In it, Odds plays 12-string guitar as he tells this gentle tale. Enjoy!

What Can You Buy For An Entire Family?

What can you buy for an entire family? A gift that has intellectual and artistic gifts for your three-year-old all the way through your teens, and even for you adults?

Odds Bodkin’s MASTER DRIVE. It’s a 4-gig flash drive that contains the “consummate storyteller’s” (The New York Times) complete works, including his 550-page epic poem and original music. Every story is age-coded, so you’ll know which stories work for your kids. Over an almost 40-year career, this master storyteller has crafted a collection of audio tales which transport young listeners into their imaginations, and into mythic lore from around the world.

Buy it, plug it in to your USB port, and share the tales with your family. Send the mp3s to friends. If your computer has no USB capability, then download this bundle of tales. They’re the same stories.

Give the gift of imagination.

Odds Bodkin’s MASTER DRIVE. Or, for just for his award-winning audio tales, Odds Bodkin’s EPIC DRIVE.





The Back-to-School Storytelling Motherlode

The Back-to-School Storytelling Motherlode is Odds Bodkin’s MASTER DRIVE.

Buy it, plug it in, and share these mp3 albums with your young children, elementary and middle and high school students, and you, the adults. All 19 albums are age-coded. There’s even Odds Bodkin’s The Water Mage’s Daughter, a 550-page epic poem for literate readers.

These award-winning storytelling albums include live acoustic music, character voices and stunning vocal sound effects, some with virtuoso whistling here and there. It’s all real.

100% natural storytelling. Classics as well, like The Odyssey, Hercules, David and Goliath and Beowulf.

Grow your family’s imaginations and knowledge with the Back-to-School Motherlode–

Odds Bodkin’s MASTER DRIVE.

The Ultimate Back to School Storytelling Collection: Give Your Child the Imaginative Edge

Got a kid in kindergarten? You’ll want this. Got an elementary age child? You’ll want this. Are you yourself someone who values high-quality adult storytelling? You’ll probably want this, too.

Odds Bodkin’s EPIC DRIVE, a collection of 19 full-length storytelling albums. The New York Times calls him “a consummate storyteller.”

The Evergreens: Gentle Tales of Nature for the youngest of listeners.

The Odyssey: An Epic Telling, a fabulous introduction to Homer’s world (when you order the drive, we’ll include a free autographed Odyssey Adventure Map of the Mediterranean Sea that tracks Odysseus’ journey): great for 5th graders on up.


The Little Proto Trilogy, three musical dinosaur tales the entire family will enjoy. Parents’ Choice award-winners.

And much more. Paul Bunyan tales. Funny Folktales. Fairy Tales. Beowulf. Hercules. On and on.

Just plug in the drive and drag the mp3 files onto your computer, then share them with your family. And you can share the drive with others, too.

An award-winning treasure trove of musical tales, filled with unforgettable characters.


Give your child the imaginative edge.


Tale of the Kittens from SHE’S CLEVER, THAT ONE: Fairy Tales for Smart Girls with Odds Bodkin

It’s not easy living with a lazy sister and an imperious mother.

Since Marie is the only daughter willing to do the work, and her sister won’t lift a finger, it’s Marie who ends up doing everything. Hanging out the laundry. Sweeping off the front porch. Weeding the garden. Washing the dishes.

But because Marie does these things, and because she’s courageous and curious, it’s she who discovers the world of kittens beneath the giant cauliflower on the hill.

It’s she who hears the catchy song.

And it’s she who is given the beautiful gifts.

Come listen, watch and enjoy The Tale of the Kittens, one of four fairy tales for smart girls that Odds Bodkin will perform this coming Sunday, March 7th at 5 pm EST on Zoom. These stories are appropriate for all ages. Music on 12-string guitars and Celtic harp. Plus lots of silly voices.

Tickets: $25 per screen



FAIRY TALES FOR SMART GIRLS Live Odds Bodkin Storytelling on Zoom Sunday March 7

Join Odds Bodkin on Zoom to enjoy four rollicking fairy tales for smart girls told with characters, narration and music.

The Wise Little Girl, Prezzemolina, The Tale of the Kittens and The Three Spinning Fairies. These are Bodkin’s best stories for smart girls.

Coming up next week on ZOOM. Get your tickets today!

Tickets: $25

9 Full-Length Storytelling Albums for Kids 4-7 on a Single Flash Drive!

Order your Beginner Drive today!

What’s on it? 9 Full-Length Storytelling Albums!


The Adventures of Little Proto: A Musical Dinosaur Story

Little Proto’s T-Rex Adventure: A Musical Dinosaur Story

Little Proto and the Volcano’s Fire: A Musical Dinosaur Story

The Teacup Fairy: Very Old Tales for Very Young Children

The Evergreens: Gentle Tales of Nature

With Twinkle in your Eye: Funny Folktales from Everywhere

Rip Roarin’ Paul Bunyan Tales

The Winter Cherries: Holiday Tales from Around the World

The Blossom Tree: Tales from the Far East