BEOWULF: THE ONLY ONE Added to the All Collections Instant Delivery Download Bundle–FREE!

BEOWULF: THE ONLY ONE has been added to the All Collections Instant Download Bundle at Odds Bodkin’s Shop at no extra cost. A $19.95 award-winning live storytelling, FREE.

Looking for a lasting gift for your family? One that can arrive instantly, without shipping? Then purchase this collection of all Odds Bodkin’s audio storytellings, now including Beowulf, his 1 hour and 20 minute epic telling with music before a live adult audience at Grendel’s Den in Cambridge, MA.

Before the telling, enjoy Odds’ introduction to the tale as he plays Celtic harp. Then journey to a vivid world of Vikings, monsters and kings as he tells his tale with a score on 12-string guitar.

“This is the version that made me absolutely fall in love with the Beowulf story, and really understand why it has become such a classic piece of literature. There is such life and emotion in the way Bodkin tells it, that you just can’t get from reading it alone. He takes it from being a dry, unsentimental piece of curriculum and spins it into a deeply moving journey, I always find myself crying by the end of it.” —amilolomy

Join this audience as they gasp, laugh and weep during this extraordinary performance. Winner of the Storytelling World Award.

Buy the Bundle, then log in any time to download your next epic, or children’s story, or musical adventure. Or download them all at once!

BEOWULF: THE ONLY ONE Added to the All Collections Instant Download Bundle at Odds Bodkin’s Shop!

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