Odysseus crouches with his men inside the Trojan Horse and listens. It is dawn, and Helios the sun has crested Troy’s walls. Peering out through the sunlit cracks, Odysseus’s lookout sees the gates of the city open. The Greek army has deserted the battlefield. All that remains is this gigantic horse built of wood.
So begins The Odyssey: An Epic Telling, a 4-hour masterpiece of storytelling by Odds Bodkin. With strains of 12-string guitar and the cries of seabirds, he’ll draw you into this feature film for the mind’s eye.
Even if they’re hungry, your kids won’t want to get out of the car until each episode concludes. There are 42 episodes in all. By the end, your kids will have effortlessly learned Homer’s great story, made human and vivid in this storyteller’s unique way.
The Odyssey: An Epic Telling is a download at Odds Bodkin’s shop. Free listening samples.